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Gao Jie - Lockdown Diary

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I hope in 10 years or so, these drawings still remind me not to forget the time in 2022 where I managed to peep into the crack of time and saw myself in a different perspective. These memory fragments are foundations of my thinking, stored in the corner of my brain. I hope I will never forget it. Oblivion makes people foolish. The history has been showing, that Chinese people will forget their wounds at the moment the situation changes.
Amnesia is the utmost obvious, common and severe disease in the information age.


(text by Gao Jie)

Mom, did you cry when you were doing a Covid test as a kid?


“Sealed for Covid Control”. 2022.04.13

Generally speaking, as artists, we find it difficult to directly present the information without abstracting, performing, or refining the message. For us, that lacks “artistic quality”. It is too simple and plain. The concept of "contemporary art" nevers find itself at ease with the Chinese cultural convention, as it lacks the ability to influence "people”, nor the “people" has the ability to change the social situation. Hence I have been thinking about what kind of creation is suitable for the present and for the people. Maybe it is not "contemporary art", maybe it is not "art". (text by Gao Jie)

一般而言,作为艺术工作者,我们是很难接受将信息不做抽象,演绎,或提炼,去直接呈现出来。对我们而言那是缺乏“艺术工作”,太过简单而无味的。“当代艺术”在中国是非常难以嵌入到中国文化链条当中去的,既缺乏对“人”的影响,而“人”也缺乏改变社会处境的能力。于是我一直在思考,什么样的创作,适合眼下,适合眼下的人。也许不是“当代艺术“,也许不是”艺术“。(text by Gao Jie)



I spent most of the time drawing everyday. I made one drawing after another, in between I read, checked out social media, played with my phone. I drew from the moment I was awake until I went to bed. So far I had around 200 works.我每天以画画为主,一会画一张,期间看书,看视频,刷手机,从起床一直画到睡觉。至今大约两百张成品。 (text by Gao Jie)


FLAT 502 door, half-shut. 
The body is inside, leaning against the door
Food supply is placed outside of the flat


Unite forces, fight Covid
Take the sample with peace of mind
With wisdom and courage, one has safety
Covid test station



There are many scenes similar to this, it happened daily, and I drew down a lot. I drew numerous absurd and moronic things as such, and many are way more extreme. For example, a person got arrested working in his own field alone in the day; someone having a mental breakdown, was pressed down to the ground; someone was disinfecting the rooftop, or the fridge; or like this one:someone“breaking into” a resident’s home to perform disinfection. The redicule has gone beyond our imagination. 这样的画面有很多,每天都好多,我也画了很多。我画了无数非常荒诞且极度愚蠢的事情,许多画面比这张还要荒诞得多,比如大白抓捕在广阔的田间独自劳动的人,大白按住精神崩溃的人,大白在屋顶上给瓦片喷消毒液,大白向冰箱里喷消毒液,大白爬墙翻窗进入居民家去喷消毒液,大白在居民区布置带刀片的铁丝网。这些奇异的事情,远远突破我们的想象力。(text by Gao Jie) 

Escaping Shanghai

Tabula Rasa Gallery (London)
Unit One, 99 East Road,
Hoxton, London
N1 6AQ
Tuesday - Saturday 12:00 - 18:00 | Sunday - Monday Closed

© 2022 Tabula Rasa Gallery

Tabula Rasa Gallery  (London)